To celebrate the coming of 2008 we decided to have a party. And where else to have a party, but my mom's house. We decided that it would be fun for everyone to sleep over, heck...there's more than enough room.

It was a lot of fun. We played DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) for quite a while. It was pretty fun watching the boys play. The surprise of the evening was that we discovered Peter's hidden talent of dancing.

Who knew? It was great fun. After the little people went to bed we stayed up until 2am playing Carcassonne and watching Strongbad sing about Trogdore. We were all amazed that we lasted that long, seeing as we all usually go to bed before 11pm. The next morning we had a great

breakfast. Thanks to David and Marthe we woke up to the smell of bacon, eggs, sausage, and pancakes.

Wow! A great breakfast that we didn't have to cook ourself. Thanks! New Years was great fun, probably the most fun I've had in years.
What a fun night! You guys are so good to get together!
Eric and I love to play Carcassone (how ever you spell it!)What is going to happen when one of you actually moves out of Utah?? I think the family is going to have a melt down!! Hehehehe:) Having family close can be lots of fun! Thanks for sharing your fun times!
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