What do you do with all the candy canes that Santa brings every year? You could eat them, yes this is true. Thanks to my sister-in-law Emily's creativity, we started a new Christmas tradition. We all made sleighs out of candy canes, gram crackers, and ... anything else we could think of. Many special tools were used to construct the sleighs, such as glue guns, knives, and well...

Devin sucked on his quite a bit to make then ends of his sharp and spiky. We then put a very large piece of cardboard down the stairs to serve as the track. We first held time races to see which sleigh was the fastest and which sleigh would go the greatest distance. Then we got a big piece of insulation and raced all the sleighs at once. Zach my nephew was SO entertained. We had a lot of fun too. We even gave out awards. Big surprise Peter, the engineer, won for furthest distance.

Devin won for fastest, according to him he didn't cheat by putting graphite on the candy canes to make it go faster. Emily won the straight shooter award. And I won for the most durable sleigh, mine is the only one that still looks the same as when we started. It was tons of fun. We can't wait for next year!
Good idea! My kids would love doing this. We always have tons of candy canes and other junk hanging around after Christmas.
You ought to do this with the young men and women. I have some left over candy canes I would donate to the cause. What a fun idea! My kids don't like to make the traditional graham cracker houses anymore, but I bet they'd love to make these.
You guys always do the most fun things!
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