Yeah! They are finished. It has been at least two years since I bought the material for these Christmas stockings and they are finally finished. Now before anyone gets excited because there are three, let me re-emphasize that I bought the material two years ago. The pattern had three different stockings so I bought the material to make three --- two years ago. Sorry to disappoint anyone. :) But I figure this means that I am good for at least three years. I must admit though this project gave me a run for my money. I consider myself a fairly good sewer. The problem I faced was time. Saturday night I finally sat down and said, I've got to get these finished. At about 11:55pm Saturday night I ran out of thread and I had had it. Luckily Sunday gave me time to get over my frustration. So Ta Da! Monday, December 24th, Christmas Eve, with not a moment to spare the stockings are done. Now Santa will have somewhere to put .....???
1 comment:
And might I say they look fabulous!! I have been very impressed at the skill and patience she has for these type of thing. I don't know about her, but I can't wait to show them off.
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