I would be lying if I said that Christmas time is the most peaceful time of the year. Maybe we are the only ones with this problem, but it seems like we try and cram way too much "joy" and "happiness" in during the Christmas season. I think we are not the only ones because everywhere we go there are tons of people out too. I guess perhaps it all starts with people saying, "You've got to have Christmas Traditions!" One of our Christmas Traditions is just being part of the Christmas Season Chaos. Chaos on the freeway, Chaos in the parking lots (the worst being the one in South Orem by Barnes and Noble and the Distribution Center--

Yes, you take your life if your hands driving there), Chaos is the stores, Chaos at restaurants, and finally...Chaos in Salt Lake. To make it even better throw in some snow and everyone is in a jolly mood. :)
Surprisingly enough we are! How is it possible to be in the middle of so much chaos and still be happy. Devin says that if everyone would play Kenny G in their cars they would be happy too. Perhaps?

This last week's Christmas Traditions took us to the Conference Center to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concert. It was great! Our two favorite songs were two we normally hate, The 12 Days of Christmas and I Saw Three Ships Come Sailing In. The 12 Days was great because they had people all over acting out the different parts. And I Saw Three Ships Come Sailing In was about the coolest organ solo I've ever hear. We were really disappointed that they didn't do that one again today on Music and the Spoken Word.
So what are all of your Christmas Traditions? We still have a few left so stay tuned!
That's not fair Braxton! It doesn't count.
I love your picture with the program and the ticket with the choir in the background! Very artistic. As you can see, Braxton has found your blog page.
I love the tradition of Christmas Chaos - I am going to start listing that one too. Sounds like you are having fun despite everything - I think this time of year we all forget the things that bother us and try to be on our best behavior. Maybe because we were taught as children that if you were bad you got a lump of coal - it has just carried on :)
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