Wednesday we got a lot of snow. Enough snow to be proud of. As I was driving to work and a rapid 5 miles per hour, I was very grateful that I now work in South Orem and not Highland. I love snow, it is very pretty, but I hate driving in it. So once I got to work I was perfectly happy with the thought that it just might snow all day long. At about 8:30am the school district sent around some big snow plows to help out with snow removal. The plows usually take a sweep or two through the playground area to make the job easier for our school custodian. The truck took one sweep past my classroom. The second time I thought, "Dang, he is really close to the wall of the school, a.k.a. our classroom!" Then the BANG came! One of my students, who was closes to the windows shouted out, "OH MY!" What in the world? But the plow kept going and we kept working. When I went to get my later kids at 9:10 I realized what the "Bang" was. The snow plow had ripped off the ramp that leads up to my classroom. It was a few yards down the playground. I opened my door and said, "Who stole my ramp?" Luckily the head custodian and principal were right outside my door shoveling the snow. I looked at them and said, "Can I have that back?" pointing to the ramp that use to be by my door. They spent the next 1/2 hour trying to push the big slab of assault back in front of my door. With the help of their little four-wheeler snow plow my ramp is right back where it should be. Too bad I didn't have my camera ready to take a picture of it when it was half way across the playground.
I find that very funny. I remember walking around Westmore when you showed us your classroom and seeing the asphalt ramps and noticing that some of the ramps had been chewed up and moved from underneath the doors they belong too. I wondered how on earth this happened, and well, now I know.
Not many teachers can tell a story like this one. How funny! I got to drive up to the junior high on Wednesday in the snow. Going up the hill was not fun. Especially as I saw the big truck that had slid off the road and I was just in my little van.
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