Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Very Busy Week

Last week was incredibly busy. Busy with good things. I should probably take the time to blog about each fun event, but because life is still busy, I will just share the daily highlights.

The last few Mondays I have had the chance to go to a "How to Use Your Sewing Machine" class. It is very interesting, I'm learning a lot. It has been fun to learn about all the amazing things that my sewing machine can do.
We also have been attending our Prenatal classes. To spare you all the exciting details, I will simply say that it has been VERY informative.

Tammy and Cameron got married!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!! It's about time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We had mutual. This was hilarious!!! It was combined young men and young women (which Devin and I love because then we actually get to hang out together on Wednesday night). The Silly Talent night turned out great! Here are just the highlights of the talents we videoed.

I worked like crazy on the bumper pads for my crib. Here is how they are looking so far.

We made our last trek to Idaho for the last Baldwin wedding on Saturday. We stopped by Megan and Ben's house to pick peaches. Idaho doesn't have any clue on how to grow peaches so we had to bring some up to the family. The peaches were SOOOO yummy. Thanks Megan and Ben!

Chris and Chantelle got married. It was a great day, despite the rain. I think the rain made it a fun adventure. We are really happy for Chris and Chantelle.

We went to church with Missy and Briant. We visited with Pam and Devin' parents for a bit and then drove home. Thanks to Peter and Emily for meeting us near Tremonton so I could get out and walk around a bit. Sitting in the car for more than an hour is killer at this point.

We started all over again.

So you can see it was quite the week. Really fun. But busy busy busy! You know what they say, "There is no rest for the wicked, and the righteous don't need any sleep." We are truly testing out that theory right now.

The Most

One of my ward's Enrichment groups is a book club. I have always wanted to participate, but with school I just never had the time to go. Now that I don't have school as an excuse I was very excited to participate this month. This month's book was To Kill A Mockingbird. I love this book! As I picked this book up off the shelf I realized a funny thing, I've read this book more than any other book (not counting the Book of Mormon and the books that I have read to my class year after year). It surprised me that of all the books in the world that this is the book that I have read over and over. I really love the lessons that it teaches. I get excited every time I read the trial chapters and get frustrated at how people can be so stupid and unjust. I still curl up in a little ball as Jem and Scout are walking home on Halloween night worried about what is going to happen.
The sad thing is that I went to book club tonight, and I was the only one that showed up. Bummer!!!! The sister who had it at her house has actually been called to a stake Relief Society presidency for a BYU ward and isn't really in charge of this little enrichment group anymore. She told me that they typically pick the next book, and since I was the only one that showed up I should pick the next book. I have a stack of children's literature books in my room, but I don't know if everyone would enjoy those. I also am going to have a baby in less than 4 weeks so I don't think I would be a good one to be in charge. She told me just to pick a book, but I don't know what book. So two questions.....

What book have you read more than any other book? (The Book of Mormon doesn't count, though it is my all-time favorite :)

What book should we read for next month?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Deer In the Headlights

Yesterday I felt like a deer in the headlights. With less than 6 weeks until our baby is due reality is starting to settle in. I had a huge reality check yesterday at my family baby shower. I thought bridal showers made me uncomfortable, this one was much weirder. As I opened all the cute little presents I had a hard time really swallowing the fact that there will soon, very soon, be a little girl in our house to use all of this stuff. Weird! Baby stuff is so cute, but stuff for MY baby???? By the time I got home the "weird" feeling had evolved into an "overwhelmed I don't know how to really take care of a baby" feeling. I was not one of those girls who spent every second babysitting. I have very little experience tending babies for long periods of time. Devin was so good to just let me sit on his lap and cry out all of my worries and concerns. By the end of our conversation we came to the same conclusion that we have before when I have been feeling unprepared and not quiet qualified for motherhood, it's going to be ok. It's ok that I don't know "everything" because no one really does. Motherhood is a learning experience, a hands on learn as you go experience.
So with the "overwhelmed" feeling gone, we had fun the rest of the evening organizing our baby stuff. Baby stuff really is so cute! We got a little brown hoodie that is just adorable! Our favorite new "toy" is our baby monitor. Devin had lots of fun setting them up and talking into them. Though we know for a fact, our little girl will not be talking into them and saying funny things. I really am excited to hear how she sounds, to see what she looks like, to just hold her. Even if I don't really know what to do with her, I am excited out of my mind to just love her!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

An Odd Lunch

What would be the perfect lunch? Devin and I just figured it out. For lunch today we at as much corn on the cob as we thought was safe to consume in one sitting. Along with corn on the cob we ate a whole bunch of home grown tomatoes. We figured just corn and tomatoes would not be a "well balanced" lunch so we did a some toast too. Let me tell you, the corn and tomatoes were to die for!!!! Half way through my first ear of corn I asked Devin if we could move to where you could grown corn all year long. He responded, "You want to move to heaven?" That would definitely be heaven! This time of year is my favorite because of all the yummy foods. People have been so nice to share their veggies and fruits with us.
My mom has a neighbor who grows the best peaches in the universe. They have been SOOOOO good. Funny thing is that this neighbor might be selling his lot that has the peach trees on it. My mom joked around that we should buy the lot and build a house. Devin wanted to know if we could just by the peach trees.
So there you have it. I hope everyone is enjoying the wonderful foods that this time of year brings. It might be a little odd to have a solid diet of vegetables and fruits, but they are so good and quite healthy too. Someday Devin and I will be able to have a house and our own big garden and then we can share all of our yummy food with others. Until then we are so thankful for people who plan gardens that are too big for their family.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Good Bye Fish

Several weeks ago I came home on a Saturday afternoon and asked Devin what he had been up to while I was gone. He then told me that he had posted his fish tank on KSL to sell it. What??? I know I have teased and teased him for the longest time about the fish, but why did the thought of selling the fish make me sad? Perhaps it was the recent thought of our little Anna standing by the fish tank and saying, "fishy fishy." I did have the peace of mind that perhaps it would take a while for the tank to sell. By Friday afternoon last week the fish were gone....on their way to Idaho infact. Yup, some lady in Idaho bought the tank and fish and all. I was gone all day, so I missed the whole process of packing up the fish. It was sad to come home and have that big empty space along the wall. Ben helped Devin move our little piano there so it doesn't look as strange. (We need to fix the picture still.) I've decided this is why I don't like having pets. At some point they either die or have to go away. How silly that I got so attached to the fish! It will be nice to not have to take time to feed them or clean the tank. But still...I miss the fish.