One of my ward's Enrichment groups is a book club. I have always wanted to participate, but with school I just never had the time to go. Now that I don't have school as an excuse I was very excited to participate this month. This month's book was To Kill A Mockingbird. I love this book! As I picked this book up off the shelf I realized a funny thing, I've read this book more than any other book (not counting the Book of Mormon and the books that I have read to my class year after year). It surprised me that of all the books in the world that this is the book that I have read over and over. I really love the lessons that it teaches. I get excited every time I read the trial chapters and get frustrated at how people can be so stupid and unjust. I still curl up in a little ball as Jem and Scout are walking home on Halloween night worried about what is going to happen.
The sad thing is that I went to book club tonight, and I was the only one that showed up. Bummer!!!! The sister who had it at her house has actually been called to a stake Relief Society presidency for a BYU ward and isn't really in charge of this little enrichment group anymore. She told me that they typically pick the next book, and since I was the only one that showed up I should pick the next book. I have a stack of children's literature books in my room, but I don't know if everyone would enjoy those. I also am going to have a baby in less than 4 weeks so I don't think I would be a good one to be in charge. She told me just to pick a book, but I don't know what book. So two questions.....
What book have you read more than any other book? (The Book of Mormon doesn't count, though it is my all-time favorite :)
What book should we read for next month?
I remembered about book club about an hour ago (2:45am!) after waking with the littlest one. BUMMED! As for suggestions, my track record is not so good. BTW you're such a cute pregnant lady!
Our ward book club has read "Fire and the Covenant" by Gerald Lund and "The Peacegiver" by James Ferrell. We are reading "The Giver" for the next one. That is one of my favorite books.
4 more weeks till you are due?? The next 4 weeks are going to go fast!!-or slow-depending on how busy you keep yourself! You can read the "Twilight" series. I am on book 2 of the series. Whats up with your friend Michelle suggesting "religious books?" Is she like.....religious??? Hehehehe:)
I would love an excuse to reread a Jane Austen classic.
If we did "Twilight", then maybe we could invite YM/YW. Jonny's just finished it and now is on "New Moon". I was surprised he wanted to read it because he is NOT a reader.
Check out Orem Library's website. They have book discussion kits for a lot of different titles. http://lib.orem.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=21&Itemid=22
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