My mom has a neighbor who grows the best peaches in the universe. They have been SOOOOO good. Funny thing is that this neighbor might be selling his lot that has the peach trees on it. My mom joked around that we should buy the lot and build a house. Devin wanted to know if we could just by the peach trees.
So there you have it. I hope everyone is enjoying the wonderful foods that this time of year brings. It might be a little odd to have a solid diet of vegetables and fruits, but they are so good and quite healthy too. Someday Devin and I will be able to have a house and our own big garden and then we can share all of our yummy food with others. Until then we are so thankful for people who plan gardens that are too big for their family.
My parents used to make us eat grilled zucchini with stewed tomatoes and corn on the cob for dinner. They still make it a lot but don't make me eat the tomatoes and zucchini. I just eat the corn. I think it is fine with out the bread. Corn has plenty of starch.
I enjoyed two pieces of corn for dinner tonight :) (but I didn't touch the zucchini and tomatoes)
MMMMM, corn and tomatoes. That sounds like a delicious lunch. I'm not sure that Briant would agree but I'm game. I'm going to grow a garden next year and you guys can have some of my tomatoes and cucumbers. Deal?
You could always grow your own garden in a 5 gallen bucket...
yum yum and more yum. when I was pregnant I remember once downing like 6 ears of corn in one sitting.! Very healthy!
not odd at all! If people would eat more veggies and fruits, they would be a lot healthier for sure! just add some grains and you are good!
yum- i love corn.
I'm going to go against the trend and say that that you are weird for eating a lunch like that. C'mon! Corn and tomatoes?! That's dinner food! Pull out the PB&J and pour yourself a glass of milk to go with it.
Sounds good! We didn't do a garden this year, hopefully next year, but we to have been blessed with tons of fresh produce. Now bring me peaches in two weeks!!!! That is the only thing I haven't gotten my fill of, the peaches here are not good. Oh, and find away to fatten up my niece!!
OOOOO, peaches for me too? I just want a few. And will you remind Devin to bring that John Bytheway CD for me. and... Just FYI in case you didn't read my blog. I bag tagged you!
ALWAYS fun to see you on Thursday nights! Now Emma Brown is leaving our shift. so sad. i will miss her. They are switching to a day shift because of her husband's eyes.
Hey Julie - I am sorry I couldn't be at your shower on saturday. I would have rather been there but I was putting on a fun filled bike rodeo at the school.
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