Last night was our ward's annual chili cook off. Last year I won first place for my chili. I was all geared up to win again this year. Funny thing when I went to find the recipe, I couldn't find it. I tore my cook books apart tying to find it. I even spent way too much time searching the internet trying to find the same recipe that I used last year. Alas, I could not find it. But I found a similar recipe. I got brave and changed a bunch of stuff to make it as much like last years recipe as I possibly could. Well, I tied for 2nd place. Devin says it is only because everyone ate my chili so fast that there wasn't enough for everyone to try it. They scraped the bowl clean (as you can see in the picture). I think it turned out pretty good. I wish I could have had some more. Too bad we came home with an empty pot. Don't worry, I wrote down the recipe and it is safe in my cook book so next year I won't have to re-invent the wheel again.
Oh, a side note on the baby thing. We are going to be induced on Wednesday. They will call Tuesday to schedule the time. Nothing other than that. No contractions. I'm not uncomfortable at all. Things are good. Just think lots of happy thoughts Wednesday that things go well.
I am sure wednesday will go just fine. How do you feel knowing that by wednesday you will have a baby?
I'm so excited to get to meet Anna.
I felt just fine, and then on Abigail's due date, stuff started happening-and BAM- a baby was born! So....I am just saying....you still could go on your own and have the baby before Wednesday! Some times it just comes on with our much warning! And being induced is not a big deal-so don't be worrying about it-just relax-being relaxed makes the biggest of all differences. And you are not relaxed if you are squeezing your husband hands-that is how I measured how relaxed I was.
Good job with the chili!
I still think you should have your baby on a thursday in honor of our temple shift! ; )
I am excited for little Anna to come!
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