I use to have just bucket loads of things that I thought I could blog about. I would look forward to Sunday afteroons when I would sit down and pick the most exciting things from our week to share. Perhaps because I am 10 days away from our babies due date my mind is completely focused on one thing and I can't really think about much else. We are keeping busy and life is good. My brain just hasn't been able to think of much to blog about lately. So here are three random things.

Saturday afternoon and evening we had some good Baldwin family time. Because most of Devin's family lives in Idaho we don't see them very often. Friday night we found out that his parents and sister were going to be in town over the weekend. We usually get together with Devin's brother Gene and his two kid on the 2nd Sunday of the month. We decided to move our Sunday activities to Saturday night so we would get a chance to hang out with everyone. It was lots of fun. We even had a quick party to celebrate Cole's 1st birthday (a week early).

This is the icky snow that was outside my house this morning. Did someone forget to tell the "snow making man" that it is only the 12th of October! Even though I was a little ticked off by the snow covering up all my beautiful Fall colors, I still was surprised how Christmas songs filled my head today. It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. It can't though. I still haven't finished Halloween costumes yet!

Here is the picture many people have been wanting to see. This is a great shot after a good long Sunday nap and a very busy weekend. It is crazy to think that we are due on the 22nd of October. I am amazed at how fast the last 9 months have gone by. Life is about to change forever...for the best thing in the world. I keep telling my little baby that there is so much more room outside and that we will have so much fun together. But I guess she is pretty happy where she is at right now.
Jules, you look great. seriously I was that big when I was like 6 months prego. you look fantastic. Your baby is due on my sister April's birthday. Well I really need to get cracking on your gift. I will get it done this week. Seriously you would think it was this super big project , but its really not. Anyway someone else is have a special birthday this week. Yep I am talking about you the first on of us to turn the big 30!
I remember when I was almost due with Gabe and I kept telling him the same thing....luckily he decided I was telling the truth right on his due date...or I cuold have gotten a little annoyed. Little babies are the best. I love their sweet spirit. I cant wait to see her!
Sooooooo exciting that baby Anna is coming soon! It is a wonderful and amazing time for you and Devin!!! I know we will soon see many pictures. I am excited about that for sure!
I agree with Nikki-you look very good for baby #1! Oh-and I have dibs on how soon that hair is going to get chopped off! After it gets pulled on-spit on, pooped on-it will get chopped! I really think you would look so cute with it cut to your shoulders-or maybe even to your chin! I give you three months!:)
You look great! Can't wait to see my niece! Sarah is right, cutting my hair is in my to do list. I made it almost six months only because it is up most of the time!
I am in great need of a hair cut. But I don't think I'm ready to part with my long hair. Maybe 4 inches just to get the nasty ends off. I'm a firm believer in the pony-tail, the messy-bun, oh and the classic braid. We'll see if I eat my words but other than a needed trim I don't think my hair is going anywhere.
You look so cute. I can't wait to see baby pictures!
You look great. Julia & I have our fingers crossed for this Sunday...the 19th. I would love to cut your hair any time.
You are so cute! I didn't know you were so close to having a baby! Please keep us informed so we can send something off to the little sweetheart. Are you still teaching? I need to read more of your blog to answer all of my questions! You are going to make a wonderful mother, Julie. Have a great day!
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