My mom got me a really cool book called Slow and Steady Get Me Ready. I love it because it has an activity for each week from birth to 5 years old. The teacher in me absolutely loves having fun little activities to do each week. Another cool thing is that the activities build on each other and teach important skills. Not only are there activity ideas but it explains why each activity is important and what skills it is helping the child to develop. I am grateful for good ideas of things to do with a 7 week old baby. It is fun to see her learning new skills. The first time I introduce an activity I think "dang, she doesn't get that at all." But then as I keep doing it each day with her, she learns. Lately she has grown to love her little activity gym that I built. That is another cool thing about the book. It gives you ideas and they are all using simple stuff that you have around the house. Anna just loves looking at the different objects and has even started to play with them. This is fantastic because mom gets up to 30 minutes of "get stuff done" time. Though I must say it is pretty fun just watching her. She has also started "talking" more. She makes such sweet noises and gets so happy when she makes the bell ring or the other stuff move.
So any mom out there who is looking for fun simple activities to do with your kid, you should check this book out.
cute baby. I will have to check out the book since i still have some kiddies that are under 5!
If any of you are interested, you can buy the book here.
She is so cute! I miss her already.
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