Very good thing #1 is that my baby is happy with a bottle which means that Devin and I can run away to the temple as soon as we find a free evening. Way to go Anna!

Very good thing #2 is that I get to run again. I get to do sit-ups again.
Right now the sun is shining and I want so bad to go run outside, but Anna is sleeping. I'll run later...trust me I've been itching to run for SO long. The elliptical machine just doesn't give you the same "work-out-happiness" that running does.
Being able to do sit-ups again reminds me of New Years Eve 1999 to 2000. I was on my mission and our mission president said we should stay in because the "world might end." My companion and I got the crazy idea---probably it came from the fact that the members had been feeding and stuffing us every chance they had since Christmas--that we would do 1000 sit-ups to bring in the New Year. We did it, and boy did our tummies hurt the next day. And honestly I have done it a few other times just for New Years Eve fun. Yes...I know I'm weird.
That is great that she will take a bottle. We waited too long to give one to Ashley and boy was that a fight. We did not make that mistake again! Congrats on your new found freedom!
hurray for bottles!!! And can I tell you how great it feels to start exercising again. Oh and i love the ab wheel!
Remember, if they take it once, keep at it-or else the bottle streak might end-happend with Abigail. But yeah for Anna-see she is a good little girl! You are very blessed-take advanage of this great thing and get away for a couple of hours with Devin. Running-are you serious?? I think your body needs a full year to recover before even trying anything like running - (you know I am just kidding)Good luck! Hope your boobs don't hit you on the way out:)
That is great! It does make it nice to be able to get out for a few hours and not have to worry if your poor baby is starving.
I'm laughing pretty hard about the 1000 situps. Maybe I'll make it a new tradition this year. It's been a year since I've had a baby and I've never had that excited feeling about running. Wish your enthusiasm could rub off on me.
Hope we can hang out soon!
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