Sunday, January 4, 2009

Extreme Gingerbread Houses

New Year's day means gingerbread houses for the Hendersons. The last few years have brought out the creative side in all of us. Each year we stretch the possibilities. This year a few of us went a little overboard. Several weeks before this event Devin and I began brainstorming what we should make. Last year we made a carousel. We decided to keep with the "Fair" theme and this year we'd make a ferris wheel. In order to make the ferris wheel we needed to break with tradition, which is using the store-bought kit in some way. Devin drew out the plan using random bowls, cups, apple cutters, funnels, and other random kitchen objects. I made the gingerbread and we carefully cut out the pieces we would need. Then on New Year's day we took the pieces over to my mom's house and glued them together and decorated our ferris wheel. I think it turned out great. The best part is that we really made the whole thing ourselves.

Now we thought our's was cool. We thought we had spent a little extra time. My little brother Peter went all out this year. He made Spaceship Earth, which is a large golf-ball shaped ride at Epcot Center in Florida. He is amazing! Not only did they make it out of gingerbread, but he has this little chip program thing inside that makes the lights flash and stuff. Now that is amazing! For full details you should see his blog.
This defiantly sets a new standard for gingerbread houses. We are now making extreme gingerbread houses. The sky is the limit. Any suggestions for next year?


Young Family said...

I am very impressed!

Lori said...

Wow! you guys are very creative!

Janae said...

Both are cool! I always thought I was doing great to make a gingerbread house. I'll have to try something more creative from now on. I would try to come up with a suggestion for you, but I'm sure that whatever the two of you come up with would be far superior to my suggestion!

Lisa said...

WOW! I wouldn't even know where to start - store bought for this family so far. The eiffel tower? NY skyline, the space needle or almost any building on the LV strip? Great imagination!

Lisa said...

Too bad this is a new year's tradition, you miss all the gingerbread festivals before Christmas!

Michelle... said...

Wow, impressive! My favorite from the festival of trees was the "Candyland" one. It was the Candyland game all in gingerbread and candy. Very cool.