Today I am loving the fact that I am 30. Why? It is because I am now in the 30-34 year old age group for races. This morning I ran my first race since I turned 30. It was also the first time I have run outside for a long long time. Let me tell you I had a hard time getting out of the car and taking my coat off when I saw that the temperature was a whopping 27 degrees. It was great to participate in the Rex Lee Run. I have run this race every March for .... ever. I have quite the collection of their famous striped shirts. Each year the t-shirt pattern is the same (with the exception of one very very strange year which many people complained about) four stripes of a single color. I was thrilled that this year they picked orange for the color. Devin was very jealous that he was not running the race. The orange shirt was not the best part though. I had set a reasonable time goal for the race. I kept telling myself not to forget that I did have a baby 4 months ago C-Section and it has been a year since I have run a race. When I felt how cold it was I thought it might be a bit hard to make my goal. But with i pod blaring and the desire to get out of the cold I ran. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face, it was SOOOO good to run, really run hard again. I felt like I pushed it without pushing too hard. As I ran onto the track for the last stretch of the race it just felt so good to kick it and sprint that last bit. I was delighted to hear my time as I crossed the finish line. 4 whole minutes faster than my goal! Way to go me! (This made the fact that my lungs were burning not hurt so bad.) We just looked up the official race results and I am happy to announce that I got 8th place in my age group and 462 overall out of 1470 runners. Not bad, not bad at all. I look forward to trying to improve my time. Someday I'll get back to my 21 minute time, but for now I feel pretty good just being back at something I love.
Congratulations! We are proud of you.
Oh, and thanks for your help this week. -Em
WAY to go!!!! I bet Anna was proud of you too!
Good job!
You did great for your first race back!! That's amazing. I really want to get back in to racing--it's nice to have something to work towards. Hey, I was wondering if you had quilt your quilts or machine quilt them???
Way to go Julie! I couldn't have done that 4 months after a C-section. I did run the other day though - a whole 2 steps. We love you and are glad that summer is coming and more running outside. - Mom B.
Let me be the first to welcome you to our age group:-)Rumor has it that it's the most competitive one.
And way to go--4 minutes faster than goal is pretty impressive. But I want to hear the time!
Congratulations.! I miss the Rex E. Lee Run!
Yea for you! I'm glad that you are getting back in to running.
Congrats! I know how you feel - I ran my first 5k a couple months after having Brooklyn and it felt SOOO good. You look great and I'm glad you're back to doing something you love - and are obviously good at :)
Good for you! You are amazing!!!
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