Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Kind of Bling!

We had a convenient death in the family. Not long ago my i pod mini died. I bought my mini over four years ago. We have run many races together, mowed many lawns, and made made wonderful long road trips together. Sadly my mini died one day, he just wouldn't turn on. I didn't feel too bad because I bought the i pod touch two Thanksgivings ago. I am embarrassed to admit that my touch has become my brain, I call it my brain, it does such a good job reminding me of so many things, not to mention holding like 8 days worth of music with room to spare. There is only one problem. Running with a touch is not as much fun as when I would run with my mini. Devin has let me borrow his i pod shuffle a few times and let me tell you it is amazing! So with the death of my mini I started thinking about getting a shuffle to run with. Conveniently Mother's Day was today.
I opened up the beautifully "wrapped" amazon box (yes Devin didn't wrap the box) to find a tinny little case holding the bran new i pod shuffle. Now that is my kind of bling! I told him every time I wear it I'll think of how much he loves me. Devin knows me so well. I'm not the diamonds type, but an i pod is right my alley.
Here is a picture of our i pod family.
Now let me be a nerd for just a moment. Starting at the left you have my old mini which holds 6 GB of music. (not bad) Then we have Devin's shuffle that holds 1 GB. Next we have my touch with 16 GBs of happiness. At the end we have my new shuffle, still in the box that holds 4 GB. WOW! HOLY COW! 4 GB in that tinny little thing. Look how small it is compared to the old shuffle!
Now what sold me on getting this new little i pod is that it can now have multiple play lists. How cool is it that I can have a different play list for running music, Conference, BYU devotionals, and other fun music all on the same little i pod. This is so cool! Seriously look how small it is!
I told Devin this is the best Mother's Day present ever! Who wants a diamond necklace as a token of affection? I guess my i pod is small enough to be a necklace. :)
Happy Mother's Day Everyone!


Lori said...

VERY cool!!!!woohoo for ipods!!!! i have my share of them too. though i have the old shuffle and it is green. and i have an ipod and now of course my wonderful iphone!!! oh how my nephews and nieces love that phone with the games on it. i think they love it more than me sometimes. the 2 year old looks for my phone as soon as he sees me. funny!

Young Family said...

I have a shuffle but I don't really know how to use it. Why not teach me?

glarcy said...

uh oh...I have a 4 gig mini from circa 2002. I'm guessing its days are numbered.

Sarah said...

Ok, I am so out of the times-because I really have no idea what those things are! I guess I have no reason to own one, therefore I am not very educated on them. I am the same way with cell phones. Sheez what is up with me???