Monday, May 18, 2009

Should I Be Worried?

Anna is almost 7 months old. She still has not rolled over yet. She sits up great on her own now. She can cruise around in her walker. She loves doing "tummy time" and can now wiggle her way around in a circle to get objects. If she is on her back she wiggles until she can reach what she wants. But she won't roll over to save her life. Should I be worried? We have tried to entice her but nothing is working. Today she started to pull herself up on her knees a bit. Would it be bad if she crawled before she rolls over?


Kellie said...

No you shouldn't be worried! It's typical with your first to expect them to do everything "by the book" but you'll later realize that it doesn't matter one bit. I only think one of my kids rolled over before they could walk! Talbie didn't even start walking until she was 22 months old (and I was 6 months pregnant with Bronson). You worry a little at the time but realize it all doesn't matter :)

Nikki said...

If you are worried, I would talk to your doctor. She sounds like she is doing fine to me. I'd worry if she wasn't moving at all, but she is so no worries. she is a cutie!

Becca said...

No. Don't worried. She is healthy and happy and she will figure it out eventually. As long as she is progressing it's fine. She's just marching to the beat of her own drum--and doing it very well I might add!

Kyle and Kat said...

No, don't worry. They all progress at their own pace. I have two that refused to crawl and finally did a week before they walked. Ashley may have walked first...I don't really remember. Anyway, she is moving, progressing, and happy. And she is sooo cute!

glarcy said...

wow...with that picture, I was expecting you to say "I'm worried that Anna neatly organizes all her toys in a circle around her..." :)

Sarah said...

Dang I would be worried!! That is odd-kids start to roll over around 4 or so months-and she hasn't done that??? I am sure she is fine-but that is kind of odd!!! (I just wanted to be different-everyone started by saying don't worry:)

Vic and Kathy Baldwin said...

Just love her - they all progress at their own rate and the only thing that matters is that you love her.