Saturday, June 6, 2009

Pre-t Happy

Devin was Pre-t happy today. Why? Today the new Palm Pre came out. Devin is a technology nerd to say the least. Phones are REALLY important to him. He has spent hours and HOURS reading up on cell phones and which ones are the best and all sorts of stuff. Many people come to Devin for advice on phones because he know his stuff.
Over the last few months he has learned more and more about the Palm Pre. He has fallen in love with this phone. I am so proud of him. He has been saving all his pennies so he could use his "fun money" to buy this phone. Today was the day. The Sprint store and Best Buy would be the only places you could get them. The rumor was that they were only going to get 10 or so phones at the Sprint store. The store was going to open early at 8am. Devin woke up and was in line by 6:45am. There were only four guys ahead of him. But they told him that they were all sold out because one guy was buying 3 and another guy was buying 2 and so on. Devin decided to stay and at least get on a list to buy the phone. Later the store manager came out and started asking everyone how many phones they wanted. It turned out that there were enough phones for all the guys ahead of Devin, one for Devin, and one for the guy behind him. Happy Day!!!
By 8:45am he was back home with his new best friend. I must say it is a slick little phone compared to is old clunker Palm.
But here is the best part.....Because Devin bought the Palm Pre today, he got $50 off another phone in the store. About two weeks ago I got my phone upgraded because it was dropping calls just when I was sitting in my house. I got a $50 upgrade for free then. But the phone I got doesn't hold a battery charge at all. We have been meaning to go in and switch the battery out. Devin put two and two together today and realized that I should go in and either get a new battery or get an even better phone.
Long story short. I am now the owner of a Palm Centro...FOR FREE!!!! I don't think I'll ever use all the functions, but it is similar enough to Devin's old phone that I know how to use it more than some of the other phones with full keyboards. Watch out world my text messaging is going to get even faster!!!
Tonight we are both Pre-T Happy. Devin has a new cool phone that controls the universe. And I have a cool new phone that probably could control the universe, if I only knew how to use it.


Becca said...

I have a Centro. I LOVE IT!!! There is a reason why I call it my brain! Even if I don't know how to use more than half of the features on it, it really does keep me sane. Maybe when you learn a thing or two about it, you could teach me lessons.

Lori said...

can't believe devin didn't get an iphone!

Janae said...

Cool Phones!