Wednesday, September 23, 2009

For All You Blog Stalkers

This blog is for all of you who, like me, spend time reading blogs but never comment on them.
Next week is Devin's aunt Pam's birthday. She is having a big party with games. This is the first time we are going to be able to go to one of Pam's parties. We are very competitive and REALLY REALLY REALLY want to win. This is where all of you blog stalkers come in.

Number 8 on her list of how to earn extra points is...

Send someone to one of my three blogs. They must comment in order for you to get credit. 10 points per new visitor.

So could you please visit the three blogs and comment. You could even copy and paste the following message if you can't think of anything to say.

Happy Birthday Pam! You are so cool! (Devin and Julie aren't half bad either.)

Thanks! Just think if all of you can make three little comments that equals a lot of points for Devin and I.

So if you have never commented, now is the time!
Seize the day!!!!


cindy baldwin said...

We have won at every single one of Pam's parties so far. I think it's time to give someone else a chance!

Kathy said...

I have done it on all 3 of her blogs. Anything to help a friend.

Kyle and Kat said...

Funny, I thought Missy always won! We never win. It is hard to be fast when you are including your kids, the girls have fun though. Can't wait to see you guys!

Lori said...

i posted at the three blogs! yay for me!

LyndiLou said...

I left comments for you!!! :)

Melissa Giles said...

What?!! I never win, I usually get second or third! I thought Chris always won. I think Devin and Julie have it in the bag this time, have you seen how many people they've sent to Pam's blog. And they have themselves and Anna who have never been to one of her B-day parties so I'm sure they will be getting major points!