Sunday, September 13, 2009

You Say Tomato

My dad use to say that if you ate the tomato seeds you would grow tomato plants out your ears. I've decided that if you plant lots of'll have tomatoes coming out your ears.
We have been eating lots tomatoes but there is no possible way that we could eat all the tomatoes that are coming out of my mom's garden. This week we have been busy doing tomato things.
Monday was Labor Day and we decided to labor and make salsa. I was so glad that Devin didn't have to work because all the cutting and chopping and cutting and chopping that is involved with salsa it was a little tricky with a little girl who wanted to be part of things.
Anna had fun helping with what she could.
Devin grew up in a family that not only had a huge garden, but they canned tons of stuff. That's what you do with a garden. You grow stuff and then can and freeze it so you can eat it all year. I did not grow up in a canning family, but I've always wanted to do it. I asked my mom for "canning toys" when we got married, and it was fun to break them out and use them. I have really enjoyed being domestic this week. Devin said that I have reach a domestic level 7. Sweet!!!
We ended up with 10 pints of salsa and as you can see we still had several buckets of tomatoes left.
So the next day I decided to make spaghetti sauce. It was super easy to make. After chopping and chopping to make salsa, throwing stuff in the blender was right up my alley.
12 pints of super yummy spaghetti sauce later and....we still have more tomatoes!
Any suggestions of what to do with tomatoes?


db said...

My grandma had a saying: "You can what you can, and what you can't can, you can."

Anjella said...

I have a yummy Basil Tomato Tart recipe.

Janae said...

Way to go!

Sarah M said...

Can the tomatoes whole--then you can put them in chili, soups, or other recipes calling for stewed could also make pizza sauce...I'm very impressed though. Hopefully one year I will have a garden too!!