Sunday, March 14, 2010

Happy Birthday & Kisses

 Anna loves her cousin Tommy.  They always have lots of fun together.  Last Monday was Tommy's 7th birthday.  We tried really hard to help Anna to say "Happy Birthday Tommy!"  This was as good as it got.  Not bad.
The second part of the video shows what Anna has been doing all week.  She walks around with the Friend or the New Era and just flips through the pages.  Her favorite place to "read" is on our bed.  It still shocks me how long she will look at one of these magazines.   She will watch TV for maybe a max of 10 minutes...maybe.  But with the Friend, she is good for at least 15 minutes.  She loves to look at the picture of Jesus and give him kisses.  It is really cute.


Kyle and Kat said...

That was so cute! And look at those teeth, I don't think she had teeth the last time I saw her.
Funny but that is the same picture of Jesus that Kami loves. She will sit through a good portion of Sacrament staring at that picture and not so quietly telling me it is Jesus!

Lori said...

i love it! she is doing so well repeating after you guys. And the sweetest thing that she kisses Jesus! what a cutie! amazing how fast she is growing up.

Mary Ann said...

Anna is absolutely adorable!

Sarah said...

I thought she said happy birthday tommy pretty good! And I liked the last bit with her and the Friend kissing Jesus! What a hoot!!