Monday, March 15, 2010

Rex Lee Run 2010

Saturday was the Rex Lee Run.  Without a lot of detail.  I trained better for this race than I have for any race in years.  My time was not what I would have liked it to be.  But I did take 2nd place in my age division and 243rd out of 1526 runners.  The crazy thing is that even if I had run as fast as I would have liked to, I still would have taken 2nd place in my age division.  There is always the next race right? :)
The best part of the race was watching this little girl run.
Seriously, who cares what the time on the clock says.  She helps us all remember that running is about having fun.  Thanks Anna!!!  I really needed that reminder.


Lori said...

Go, Anna!

Peter and Emily said...

She is a doll!

Nikki said...

Oh how I miss the REX LEE run! Anna is too cute!