Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Happy 5 Years!

Five years ago we were here.
Crazy to think that we have been married for five years.
There were flowers then...
and Devin still buys me flowers now.
There was cake then...
and I still make Devin delicious cakes now.

There was a beautiful dress then...
and I am thrilled to report that five years and two children later, IT STILL FITS!!!! (Happy Dance!!!)
Ok, enough cheese.  :)
Here a a few more random wedding pictures that most people haven't seen that make me smile.  I love to see how much my family has grown up over the last five years.

It was the perfect wedding.
You know you want to watch the video again, and again, and again. :)
Monday was our anniversary and it was so nasty, windy, and cold outside.  I am grateful that five years ago it was just freezing and not windy.
It is funny every time we go to a wedding reception we always comment to each other that it was nice, but our wedding was perfect.
Here's to another 5, 10,...50+ wonderful years!!!  Love you Devin!!!


cindy baldwin said...

Okay, so when I started reading this at first I thought you were saying it was your 5th anniversary from when you started dating, or something. When I got to the part about being married 5 years I went, "Wait a second, that CANNOT be true - it must be a typo! There is no WAY Devin and Julie have been married for 5 years! I mean, that would mean Mahon and I had been married for almost 4 years!" And then my jaw dropped as I realized that oh wait! We have!

Time sure does fly!!! Congrats, you guys.... did you have a fun date to celebrate? If not, you should bring your kids by our place next week and go have a night together. ;)

Missy said...

You guys haven't changed a bit. And that's so awesome you still fit into your dress. I wish I could say the same! The pics and video are just lovely. Congrats!

Lori said...

that is so amazing that it has been 5 years!!! wow. So happy for you guys!

Nikki said...

Happy Anniversary! I hope it was a special day. :)

PS. We will be in Utah this summer I'd love to see you. I maybe there twice this year if my brother decides to get married another time than when we are already out there.

Rachel Wagner. said...

What a great couple. So glad you found each other and built a wonderful family.

Marie Arnold said...

Happy Anniversary!

Peter said...

So people do read blogs.... :-)