As some of you know, we live in a condo. It's nice in some ways and quite the project in other aspects. We love it and really enjoy the ward we are in, so we are planning to stay here for a while.
When we got married, we got rid of cable and dish, because we just don't spend a lot of time in front of the TV. Not that we are against it, we just don't spend a lot of time watching it to make it worth paying for it month after month. Devin, is always full of exciting technological ideas. He has often told me about how his wants to get this computer "thing" to get TV and be able to record it and do all these cool "things." Great! Sure! Whatever makes you happy! But in order for him to do this TV "thing," he would need to drill a hole down through the attic to our living room to run this wire thing to make the TV work. The exciting part is that to get to the attic to drill the hole Devin has to crawl through a little hole in our bathroom upstairs to get to the attic. He loves it up there! He gets all excited! He loves putting on his grubby jeans, T-shirt, and his cute little pink scarf thing so he can either look like he is going to rob a bank or just help not breath in all the dust up there. Then he crawls into his "cave" and spends all sorts of time drilling holes to make the TV "thing" work.
Needless to say, every guy that comes over is invited to spend some time in the "cave" as I like to call it. Countless trips have been made to Home Depot (ok only two or three) to get a drill that is longer and longer and stronger and stronger, so he can drill through whatever it is that needs to be drilled through.
We are now very close to getting our TV "thing" or at least the first part of it to work. But for now, I'm just glad that my husband has somewhere to play. Every boy needs a tree, a field, a dirt pile, or cave in our case, to play in.
Julie, This reminds me of all the time that David spent in his "hole in the ground"--he loved his "cave" too and was always anxious to invite his friends to come and see how things were progressing or to share what he envisioned to complete someday. It also reminds me of your dad's favorite comment "I've got a crazy idea" and then he would go on to explain all of the wonderful things he had been thinking up to build or do. We are so blessed to be surrounded by such great men!
With love,
Update: The project is finished!! It took 32 inches of drill bit (to punch through a 16 inch stack of wood, and another 2X4 about 8 inches below the plank. Anyway, at the bottom of the wall we've got a electrical box with a cable cover. You know, so it all looks clean and professional. Anyway, when it's all hooked up, we get about 10 to 15 channels. I can only watch half of them, because the other half are Spanish. If Julie were into Spanish soaps, she may enjoy the Spanish half... but she's not.
Anyway, it's done!!
Oh, big thanks to Gene for bringing over a bigget bit and extension, along with a drill to handle it!!
This is so fun! I like his bank robber uniform. Be glad his idea worked. I love my husband and he IS a great handyman, but let's face it, sometimes it doesn't go as planned. He had to drill a hole through the attic into the wall of the laundry room to run wires cuz all of our electrical wires are older than dirt and need to be replaced (be glad you live in a newer condo). Well, in drilling the hole, he drilled through a wire and had to rewire. But in rewiring, he forgot to wire the switches to the lights. So for the last several months, if we want to have lights in that side of the house (laundry room, office) we have to go out to the breaker box and turn them on or off. It'll be like that for a while I'm sure because there are several other projects that are higher up on the priority list (like my bathroom). And Julie, am I the only one or is it confusing how many different tools that look almost identical a man will need to buy to finish one little project?
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