Reading is one of my favorite things to do. Sitting down to read a good book is just as good as listening to it as I drive to and from work each day. Children's literature is my favorite. Maybe that is why I'm a teacher, it gives me access to the latest and greatest children's books.
My reading adventures lately have had a Latin twist to them. I just finished reading Becoming Naomi Leon. Which I must say has one part that you really want to just scream at the characters. Unlike many books that I have read lately it has a really good ending.

Another great book that I have read to my students lately is. Skippy Jon Jones. Anyone who knows Spanish, even just a little bit, would love this book. I have read it to tons of people and I still laugh every time I read it. Not to mention that my students literally fight over this book on a weekly basis. Because so many students want to read it, we have set up a rotation so that my students in the morning and afternoon can have their turn with the "Skippy" book. This is one that MUST be read aloud with whatever kind of Spanish accent you can muster. Hands down my favorite thing about this book is the fact that for days after reading it to my students, every once and a while, when all was quite in my classroom someone would just bust out in a muy muy soft voice saying "My name is the Great Skippito" or they just like saying "Skippy Jon Jones." Yup, it's a classic. There are two other Skippy books. I like the first and third the best so far.
HA HA HA! I came across your blog by putting in "mui mui soft voice" in a google search. "Skippy Jon Jones" is amazing. I am a 4th grade teacher, and you might think that they would find Skippy to be corny, but they LOVE it! I have also found it incredibly valuable in working with emergent readers in younger grades. Thanks for making me laugh.
Correction...muy muy
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