Thursday, April 10, 2008

This is an Announcement!

We are happy to announce that today, April 10th, 2008 we heard our baby's heartbeat. We are WAY excited. I was amazed at how happy hearing the little heartbeat made me. I could have listen to it all day. So yeah! We are having a baby! Which means Julie is going to quit teaching at the end of the year and just be a mommy. So mark your calendars October 22nd, baby Baldwin will be coming to stay. Feel free to cast your vote, will it be a boy or girl?

Just as a little disclaimer, yes all of you who thought we were pregnant back when we ran the race in March were right. But we didn't want to say anything until we heard a heartbeat. So THAT wasn't an announcement. This is!

**update** See how everyone is voting.


Becca said...

Congratulations!! I am so excited for you guys--that baby couldn't be coming to a better home. And I guess it,s a boy.

Nikki said...

Oh Julie Congratulations.. hearing the baby's heartbeat is so great! I think you will have a boy. You will be a great mom! Enjoy this time where you can eat, eat ,eat guilt free! And make sure you make your hubby go out and get you treats at 10pm. They secretly love doing it.

Young Family said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to be able to spend more time with you. We can have lots of fun play dates. Being a mom is wonderful!

Mahon said...

I'm guessing it's a girl. Congratulations!!!

kenders said...

Yay!!!! I'm so excited for you guys! That's awesome!

Kellie said...

We are very excited for you two. Are you sure they only heard one heartbeat? I'm guessing you will need both outfits in the picture. I vote for a boy AND a girl :)

db said...


You can see how everyone votes by visiting our spreadsheet.

Erica said...

Congratulations! You will be a terrific mommy and love being home! I'm so excited for you! I'm guessing there are two in there :)

Brandon and Julie said...

congratulations, we are excited for you two. I am guessing girl

Sarah said...

I am so EXCITED!!!!!! Yeah!!!! You are going to be great parents!!! And I think it is a wonderful idea to always wait to tell everyone after you have heard the heartbeat-or 3 months. (So...that puts you at 12 weeks???)Thanks for sharing! Enjoy being pregnant-it is an awesome experience. I am guessing a girl! Why?? I don't know.

HaLaine said...

HOLY MACKEREL! Congrats you guys! You will both be amazing parents and we are sooooooo happy for you!! AMAZING!

Janae said...

Congratulations. I'm so excited for you both. I'm guessing a boy. You'll be great parents!

Kyle and Kat said...

Kat and Ashley say boy. Kaitlyn and Kyle say girl. And since I am still pregnant I guess the baby doesn't get to vote. Congratulations!! We are very excited for you guys.

Braxton Church said...

i'm guessing a siamese elephant

Sarah M said...

Yeah Julie I am so excited for you guys!! I hope all continues to go well, and now we can be running friends with babies!!

Janae said...

Luke is guessing a girl.

Dera said...

Yeah!!!! I am super excited for you guys. I think it's a boy.

Kristi said...

Congratulations!!!!!! I am so excited for you.

Janae said...

Seth is guessing a boy and he thinks you should have the boy on October 16th, because that's his birthday.

Lisa said...

Hooray for you! What an exciting adventure you're beginning. I coulnd never find anything that sounded good to eat either, even when Clint was willing to go out. I hope the sickness gets better soon :)