The funny part of this camping trip is that they let the boys plan the menu. They decided that Ramen for dinner and oatmeal for breakfast would be great because all they would need is water. I guess the leaders asked if that is really what they wanted to eat. The boys were sure. Then the leaders decided that they were going to show the boys up and bring some real food to inspire them for the next camping trip. We'll see how it turns out. It would make me laugh if the leaders ended up eating the Ramen and the boys ate the nice juicy meat.
You know, there’s more than just ramen and oatmeal you can enjoy with only having water. When I went camping with the 11 yr. old scouts in moms ward, they all wanted tin foil dinners. So they spent the afternoon making their dinners and when we went camping that night, they all sat around the fire waiting for their yummy tin foil dinners to get hot. As for my group, I just brought a thing of pasta sauce and spaghetti, boiled the water and we were enjoying nice hot pasta while they were still waiting for their dinners to get cooked. Granted, they were only 11 yr olds, so they didn't make very elaborate tin foil dinners, but I was glad I brought more than enough pasta, so for those whose dinners didn't pan out just right, we decided to share. So just so you know, I agree that you can eat very well while camping, sometimes you just have to be creative.
I am so grateful for Devin's dedication to his calling and I also wish that one certain young man would go on more of the campouts. I'll keep working on him. I like to have good food camping, but hate having too much work. I love to take foil dinners, but I always cook everything first and then put the ingredients in the foil. All we had to do while camping was heat them up. That takes a lot less time.
reap what you sow.
I love camping food-all types. I think it just tastes better with a little mountain air mixed in (and maybe a few ashes too!)
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Hello little miss cutie! I'm so glad I found you on Jessica's blog. I can't wait to read up on your latest adventures and keep in contact and updated on your cute little family! Looks like things are going great :)
Julie, I found your blog through Jessica (Anderson) Young. Just wanted to stop by and say "Hi." So hi there! It's so fun to see what you are up to. Congrats on all the big events in your life since we worked at Freedom together. I love your blog; it's very entertaining. I especially loved your budgeting entry from months past. Kent and I are in the process of setting up an effective budget. I love your must have and like to have shopping list, it's so smart. Click on my name to see what Kent and I have been up to the last 3 years...
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