This last week the 2nd grade went on a field trip to the Children's Museum at the Gateway. It was a fantastic trip, if you forget that it was freezing and trying really hard to snow. I was excited to go. I have been to the old Children's Museum tons of times, but this was my first trip to the new Gateway version.

It was exactly what they said it would be. Bigger and Better. The only downer was the fact that there were 3 other school groups there plus the general public. Even with the large crowds we had tons of fun. What kid wouldn't in a museum that has a rule that you SHOULD touch EVERYTHING! My students especially liked the water area, which is a new addition. Sometimes I think my brother Peter should can working for Disney and just come up with really cool stuff for children's museums. A lot of the stuff that is there is right up his ally. I'd really like to go back this summer with my nephews when we could spend all day just playing.

As much fun as the museum was, let's not forget my favorite game. When we go on a field trip my favorite game to play with my students is, "Whoever can fall asleep first and stay asleep the longest on the bus ride home wins the prize." Well, pictures don't say enough. We got 75% of my class out cold, or at least pretending they were. (Which is just as good.) Nothing is better that an nice quite bus ride home. I had to laugh though. I had one little boy who really was asleep and he kept falling into the isle. It is a good thing I was there to catch him.
What a smart teacher. I wish I had used that game on field trips when I was teaching.
I love the Children's Museum at Gateway. We had a family vacation before moving to Australia and did all the things around SLC and Utah County - like the Dinosaur Museum and Children's Museum. My kids love that place. Definately take your nephew there in the summer.
Great sleeping pictures - that is so funny.
Could you come and teach that game to my kids. (Oh and you're welcome to stay and play for a while:-)
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