I am a little embarrassed to admit this, but by some strange force in the universe, Devin and I have become faithful watchers of American Idol. I would almost go as far to say that it has become an addiction. We are not quite sure how it happened, especially since neither one of us has ever watched a single episode before this season. Go figure? Embarrassed or not, we thought we'd share our current thoughts on Season 7 (apparently there were 6 other seasons that we missed :)). Looking to the boys, our favorites are David, David, and David. David Archuleta is our #1 pick. He is amazing!!!!!! David Hernandez is our #2. And David Cook is our #3 because we've got to have one to appease the "rock" side in us. As far as the girls go... Carly Smithson is our #1 pick for girls. It gets a little tricky after that. #2 and #3 are a toss up between Syesha Mercado or Ramiele Malubey. Though we love Brooke White, but don't think that she will go all the way. So there are our current favorites. We like the three Davids best, but Carly is pretty good too. We really think the cute little Mormon boy is going to take it all. I have said more than once, if he does anything that gives the church a bad rap I will personally come after him!!!! No, I really think that is what makes this kid great. He is just a good little Mormon kid from Murry Utah. Check out his last weeks performance and judge for yourself.
Don't be embarrassed Julie my friend. I am an idol fanatic since season 2. I am addicted too. And I even have a little crush on David Hernandez. Actually I love all of the Davids go figure! Loves to ya!
I am addicted too. They even show it here in Australia so I am not missing out on anything. They also have Australian Idol and while I watched it when we first got here - I have to say the talent wasn't as good.
I like the cute little Utah boy too - he is fantastic.
Okay, I did enjoy David's "Imagine" last week but I really like Michael for the boys and Syesha for the girls. Kyle likes David and Carly, but hasn't been too impressed with the girls yet. I will say this year is definitely better than last, which is when we started watching. Ashley likes Amanda and Jason. Kyle thinks Kady has lots of potential if she would open up and let herself go.
I have never watched American Idol before, but I watched it last night after reading your blog. It was interesting. Bob tried to vote for David, but I don't know if he ever got through.
I also like American Idol...that's funny that you got sucked in. Hee hee. I also like David from Murry, but I really like the Australian guy!! Probably cuz I'm a sucker for the accent and Australian guys in general. :)
Don't be embarrassed Julie my friend. I am an idol fanatic since season 2. I am addicted too. And I even have a little crush on David Hernandez. Actually I love all of the Davids go figure! Loves to ya!
I am addicted too. They even show it here in Australia so I am not missing out on anything. They also have Australian Idol and while I watched it when we first got here - I have to say the talent wasn't as good.
I like the cute little Utah boy too - he is fantastic.
Okay, I did enjoy David's "Imagine" last week but I really like Michael for the boys and Syesha for the girls. Kyle likes David and Carly, but hasn't been too impressed with the girls yet. I will say this year is definitely better than last, which is when we started watching. Ashley likes Amanda and Jason. Kyle thinks Kady has lots of potential if she would open up and let herself go.
I have never watched American Idol before, but I watched it last night after reading your blog. It was interesting. Bob tried to vote for David, but I don't know if he ever got through.
I also like American Idol...that's funny that you got sucked in. Hee hee. I also like David from Murry, but I really like the Australian guy!! Probably cuz I'm a sucker for the accent and Australian guys in general. :)
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