When most people think of March, they think of Leprechauns, the color green, and perhaps that "March Madness" thing. For me, March means one very important event...The Canyonlands Half Marathon. This is one of my favorite races. This was my 6th time running this race. The best part is something I never thought would happen happened. MY CUTE HUSBAND RAN TOO!!!!!

Many years ago I came to the conclusion that I would marry a man who would be at the finish line with my kids. But somehow I have created a little running monster. Devin did a great job! Today he was so cute, he looked at me and said, "Can you believe I ran a half marathon yesterday?" "YES! Isn't it wonderful!!!!!" I am grateful that today he is not too sore. The best part is that he said he'd do it again. Now our only problem is to find someone to watch our kids when we run races together.
First off, I'm glad it was so fun, I can't wait to run mine next month. Secondly, was that an announcement? (I'm hoping it was.)
Yay for both of you! This one is still on my 'to do' list.
Julie, Remember how that was our first half marathon? It was so fun! I am glad that you hubby ran it with you. Next you will have to try a marathon. Someday I will come and run the Saint George Marathon. Was there an announcement at the end? I didn't catch it. I will double check.
Are you in the family way?
You guys are amazing. You won't catch me running a half marathon. I guess I could be the one at the finish line with your kids - or maybe you could just drop them off at my house! Are you making an announcement? Apparently everyone was thinking the same thing when we read this post.
No this is not an announcement. I have always like to plan way ahead.
Duh-she is not pregnant-if she was she wouldn't have just ran a 1/2 marathon-or at least I wouldn't if I was pregnant! Anyway....I volunteer your mom to watch your kids for you:)
I didn't see either one of you limping or acting like you were hurting at the fireside last night. Way to go! I think it's great that you can run the races together. I also think it's great that you love to run so much. I have only done 5Ks and those are far enough for me.
I'll watch your kids. Sign me up on the dotted line cause come Hades or High Water, I will NOT be running a marathon. I have always envied the gazelle-like humans that could run for hours on end and keep on going cause of that Runner's High. I'd have to be High On Drugs to ever run for fun. I'll stick to biking with the really tiny, hard, uncomfortable seat any day!!!
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