Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happy 1 Month!

Anna is now a month old. I am amazed at how fast she is growing. She gets cuter every day. She is smiling more and even laughed yesterday. We are most proud of the fact that she now sleeps in her crib all night. We have a little pack-and-play that we have kept her in in our room. But we decided Sunday night that it was time for Anna to sleep in her own room. She has done great. She still wakes up once or twice each night, so Mommy now has to walk farther to feed her, but she sleeps well.

We had a good Thanksgiving. It was SO nice to just stay home. We went to my Mom's house and visited with family. But as you can see from the picture, most of the time was spent just relaxing and enjoying being together. We are excited that even Anna knows that on holidays you should sleep in until at least 8 o'clock.


Christine said...

Wow, I can't believe it has been a month, that went fast. She is adorable! And good job for moving her to her own room. You will sleep much better for it!

Young Family said...

You shouldn't be walking any further to feed her. It is Devin's job to go get her and bring her to you.

db said...

don't listen to her.

Nikki said...

I hope she keeps sleeping til 8 am on holidays!

kenders said...

I agree sleep away on holidays! Glad everything is going so well.