Devin and I have been talking a lot lately about what we want our family traditions to be. We have started something lately that we really enjoy. . . Friday Night Treats. This tradition comes mainly from the fact that we don't go out like we use to. With a new little baby and the desire to stick to our budget, we don't go "out" on Friday nights like we use to. We still wanted to do something fun, so we started Friday Night Treats. We make a fun treat and watch a movie. It has been fun to make different treats and spend time together making them.

I was thinking about what we should make this week and with it being Christmas time I thought we should make gingerbread men. I quickly looked up the recipe and was pleased to find that we had everything that we needed to make them . . . almost. Thanks to a few great neighbors we were able to get some vinegar (weird! I wouldn't think cookies should have vinegar in them) and some gingerbread men cookie cutters.

We had a blast making and decorating the cookies.

Anna...had a great nap.
We have decided that we should make gingerbread men every year the weekend before Christmas.
So today I have two things for people to comment on.
1st: What are some of your families favorite Christmas Traditions?
2nd: Can you guess what the following gingerbread men are suppose to be?
Yes...all of the above gingerbread men were decorated by Devin. Mine were not nearly as creative as his.
ooh, ooh! pick me! I know!
The first one is a gangster wearing bling, the second is Santa and Mrs. Claus, the third is an Oreo cookie (that isn't chocolate and that has a LOT of white stuff), the forth is a victim of a silly string attack, and the last is the abominable snow man.
I see a ghost cookie and Santa and Mrs. Santa. I don't see the bother cookie anywhere. When Seth was about 7 he read about somewhere that puts clues on gifts, so we started that tradition. We love thinking up clues for our gifts and have loved reading the clues before Christmas and trying to guess what's inside. On Christmas Day we can't open the gift until we've made a guess of what's inside. We also write a gift that we are going to give Jesus this year and my mom always makes a birthday cake for the Christ Child. When the boys were little, they drew a picture of the gift they would give to Jesus. We always carol when we take the neighbor gifts around. (Sorry that you missed that one, since I cheated and gave Devin your gift when he stopped by.) We always decorate the day after Thanksgiving and try to get Christmas Cards out right after Thanksgiving and shopping done by then so we can really celebrate the birth of Christ during December and not be all stressed. I also have tried each year to have my children write thank you cards or thank you pictures after Christmas to Santa and everyone else who gave them presents. I could go on, but I've rambled enough. Merry Christmas!
I love the OREO. One of our traditions is to buy an ornament for our tree when we go on a trip somewhere. We didn't really go anywhere this year so we're making one instead. Its fun to look at them each year and reflect on the places we've been.
We had a tradition as the kids were growing up having to do with gingerbread men. The children were able to invite their friends over for hot chocolate and gingerbread cookies. This was a fun way for the kids to say Merry Christmas to their friends. It's interesting how many of them remembered it. Nik Arrhenius asked not to long ago how come they weren't invited over any more. Maybe because you are an adult now! Fun times.
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