Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hot Off The Press

I am happy to beat the church in announcing that the NEW New Testament Story book is out. We got it in the mail today. YEAH!!!! It is so great. Way better than the old one. The pictures are so nice. We have even noticed that they have reworded a lot of the stories. They have even added some stories and taken some out. We have read the Book of Mormon and just finished reading the Old Testament last week. This book came just in time. I don't know if it is available at the Distribution Center yet, but you can order it on line and they even ship it to you for free. (New Testament Story Book) If you go to this site it still looks like the old version, but trust me, you'll get the new one. I love how the church continues to update their materials. I am grateful for the hours and hours people spend to give us great things to teach our children the gospel.

1 comment:

Lori said...

very cool! sounds like a great book!