Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Rice (Chalk) Cereal

Yesterday we started Anna on rice cereal. Devin says it tastes like chalk. This brings two important questions to mind. 1. How would you know what chalk tastes like? 2. Why would you be crazy enough to taste the rice cereal? Can't you tell by looking at it and smelling it that it is going to taste nasty?
Chalk taste or not, Anna seems to like it. She makes really cute faces sometimes. Here are some of our favorites so far.

Any tips on starting solid foods?


Young Family said...

Just the standards, veggies before fruits. Rotate between green and orange so Anna doesn't turn orange.

Kyle and Kat said...

Yes, definitely veggies first. The blander the better. Same with the fruit. Also, one at a time for at least a week. That way you will know if you have an allergy. Also, start slow (small quantities) or you will have a very constipated baby. This is where the diapers become interesting!!

Lori said...

love the faces on Anna. what a DOLL!

hey, starting this thursday night, sis. clarke is starting on our shift. fun! i have to test her... ; ) i hope she passes....

Becca said...

I'd start with veggies and not even introduce fruits for a couple of months because once fruits enter the diet, veggies become much less appealing. But if veggies are all they know for a while, it's not as big of a deal. I know from experience, I've done it both ways and my kids who had a solid veggie start are much better veggie eaters now than those who didn't do it that way.
That and I'd buy bigger bib's!

Peter said...

Start with small slices of steak and chicken, then move up to peanut butter and honey. :-) I know everything about feeding babies...just don't feed them pizza, or that's all they'll eat. See Zach for proof.

Janae said...

It's been so long since my boys were eating baby food that I really don't have any advice. Although, I do agree with giving them vegetables and not fruits for awhile. Anna is such a cutie!

Marilyn said...

It looks like you're doing just fine. Anna is a cutie.