Ok, so I'm following the trend. As I have read my friends' Blogs with 100 things about them I have gotten to know so many fun things about them. So here we go, in no particular order 100 things about Julie.
1. I love chips and salsa. They are my comfort food.
2. I have taught at three different schools over the past 6 years. Snow Springs, Freedom, and now Westmore.
3. I still know my Elementary School fight song word for word and all the actions. I can vaguely remember my High School fight song. Sorry, all I know of BYU's is random phrases.
4. I love to run. When I get really stressed one of the best things to do is run.
5. One time I ran 16 miles without drinking any water during my run. Then I came home and chugged a bunch of orange juice. Yup, I puked three times at least. Moral of the story, hydration, hydration, hydration. The run was fantastic though.
6. I grew up watching Elvis movies. My mother LOVES Elvis movies, so when Dad was at work on Friday and Saturday night, we watched Elvis movies. My favorites are Blue Hawaii and Harum Scarum.
7. My Dad called me his little angel.
8. I want to write and publish a book or books someday. Devin actually bought me Writing Children's Books for Dummies for Christmas. I have a REALLY good idea for one. I'm hoping to have more time this summer to work on it.
9. I talk in my sleep. Devin's favorite episode was one night when I went to sleep and he was working on his laptop. Apparently I looked straight at him and said, "Are you going to come to bed or are we going to have a problem?"
10. My sister and I are not twins! Many people, crazy people, think we are. Though she prefers to be called my twin rather than my mother. We went to a bridal show, and they gave me the "bride" sticker and then they handed her the "mother of the bride" sticker.
11. Water is my favorite beverage.
12. I love musicals. They just don't make good movies anymore. LONG LONG ago TNT had Saturday Night Sing Alongs. We loved watching musicals and singing along.
13. I have a computer nerd husband.
14. I can't stand messes. I would rather stay up late cleaning than go to bed with a mess somewhere in my house. (Devin's desk is not my responsibility, therefore it stays a mess.)
15. I've been to Girls Camp 9 times. It is one of my favorite places in the world.
16. I turned down the Cross Country Coach at my High School who came to me asking me to run Cross Country. I had good reasons. But my claim to fame is that my high school had the #1 cross country team in the nation. So him coming to me says something right?
17. I fall asleep really fast. Once my head hits the pillow I'm gone. Sometimes I need no pillow at all.
18. I have worked at the Mt. Timpanogos temple for almost 5 years. It is my favorite thing in the world to do.
19. I served a LDS mission in the El Salvador San Salvador East mission.
20. While on my mission I lived through 3 huge earthquakes. 7.9, 7.8, 6.4, and months of aftershocks.
21. One of my favorite things to do is call my Grandma in CA and talk about anything and everything.
22. My Grandpa Upton is one of my favorite people in the world. He makes everyone laugh, is supper smart, and is the perfect example of someone who does good stuff everyday.
23. My favorite thing to do with my brother David growing up was play name that tune. We would spend hours listening to the first 30 seconds of songs, or until we figured out what it was.
24. I don't watch TV. I don't really like TV at all.
25. I love pop corn. Air popped is great. Movie pop corn is good. Microwave is ok, but not as good as the "real" stuff.
26. My closet is color coded and organized by type of shirt or pant.
27. My favorite pair of shoes are my Chaco sandals.
28. I love to read books. I love classic stuff like Dickens and Dumas. Little Women, Christy, the Anne of Green Gables Series, etc. And children's lit. I always have a stack of books waiting to be read.
29. If I were to pick a character from a book that I was most like it would be Joe March from Little Women with a close second going to Anne Sherly (the older version not the young head in the clouds way to much version)
30. I like pickles. Dill pickles. Sweet pickles are an abomination that should be destroyed!
31. I hate olives. I never could understand why kids put them on their fingers. YUCK!
32. I don't like mushrooms either.
33. I keep trying to like celery. I can handle it when it is cooked in soups and stuff, but that whole slab a peanut butter on a stick of celery, I don't think so.
34. I don't look my age. Two summers ago I was flying with my mom to CA. The lady checking us in looked at me and said, "Now you don't have a driver's license yet do you?"
35. I love playing Dr. Mario. I challenge anyone who thinks they can beat me. HA, HA, HA! (Not Marthe though, we all know she is unstoppable at any video game.)
36. I drive a green Honda Civic. I love my car. I love it more when it is clean. Curse you rain and snow! (Yes, I'm shaking my fist in the air right now.)
37. My husband is 11 inches taller than I am. Our favorite wedding picture is me standing on a stool and we are about the same height.
38. I went on Church History tour two summers ago. It was a dream come true. I LOVE church history and it was so amazing to so see everything from the Sacred Grove to Nauvoo.
39. My husband and I have a goal to go to all the temples in the U.S.
40. I have two brothers and one sister.
41. I love the heat. I hate the cold. Isn't it time for Spring yet?
42. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. Lots of good food and lots of great insane shopping the next day.
43. I had never been to Idaho before I went with Devin to meet his family in May of 2006.
44. I love Disney World. 2010 can not come soon enough. I can't wait to go.
45. I grew up working at Classic Skating. Therefore I consider myself an expert at making cotton candy, filling up candy machines, and other random rink things.
46. I hate tootsie rolls. This would be because at Classic they give out tootsie rolls and too much is too much.
47. I am allergic to chocolate. My brother says it's all psychological. I tried some a few months ago. I'll never be that stupid again.
49. I don't understand how our TV and DVD player really work. I can make them work kind of. But all the remotes just get so confusing.
50. My mom makes the best cookies in the world! When my parents built their house, my dad wanted two ovens because that meant more cookies faster!
51. I want to go to Europe someday. Italy, France, Spain, England, Norway, Denmark, ....All of it!
52. When we were little we had two big cherry trees in our front yard. We loved climb the trees and pick the cherries. My mom used old ice cream buckets with a string looped through them so we could climb and pick easier.
53. I love Halloween. I'm always trying to think of good Halloween costumes for me and my nephews, and Devin.
54. I can't spell worth a darn. I love spell check!
55. I love going to plays. I have been a season ticket holder at the Hale Center Theater for the past 5 years.
56. My favorite book that I read in high school was To Kill a Mocking Bird.
57. English, History, and Business were my favorite subjects in High School.
58. I majored in Elementary Education at BYU.
59. I was only a few credits short of getting a minor in Humanities.
60. I love Elder Maxwell's talks. I miss him!
61. I love listening to books on tape or CD. I can get more reading done this way.
62. I only paint my toenails red. I'm not very creative.
63. I went through phase during High School where we would just watch really old movies. "Classics" I loved a lot of them. I still don't get Casablanca though.
64. I sometimes feel like to talk too much.
65. My dream calling is Gospel Doctrine Teacher. The last ward I was in I got to teach it and teach all of D&C and Church History and part of Old Testament. What a treat!
66. I'm not very good at cooking. I'm grateful for a husband who puts up with not the best cooking.
67. We love eating dinner at my mom's house. We like washing all the dishes. Washing dishes is way easier than cooking food.
68. I love roller coasters! We went on one at Great America where you were basically flying. Just hanging by this harness thing. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!!!
69. My favorite rides at Disney World are: Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, Expedition Everest, Tower of Terror, Rockin' Roller Coster, ....ok all of them!
70. I people with funny accents make me smile.
71. I like to think I can sew pretty good.
72. I am dyslexic so I read really slow and I can read stuff that is backwards.
73. I love teaching math to my students. I love hearing kids talk about math. It really bugs me when teachers don't do a good job teaching math, when they brush over it in 30 or 45 minutes. That's not enough time!
74. I love reading books to my class. We are reading Where the Red Fern Grows right now. I hope I don't scar any of my students by the tear-jerking ending. Don't worry I wont cry.
75. When I read the book Christy I cried at the end because I was so happy. I think I would have really lost it if it didn't turn out the way I wanted it to.
76. Brush my teeth at least 3 times a day. Clean teeth are very important. I have never had a cavity.
77. One of my favorite childhood memories is going to see The Nutcracker up in Salt Lake with my Grandma Beth.
78. My Grandma Beth made the best rolls in the whole world. Luckily my mother now has the gift. It is a gift you know.
79. My family loves bread. There can never be enough bread at any meal.
80. My husband claims that I don't chew my food enough. I think a do a just fine job.
81. I like late church more than early church. I like sleeping in.
82. I like to brainwash my nephews into believing that I am their favorite aunt. If they ask for something I make them say, "Please Aunt Julie the Magnificent." or "Who's your favorite Aunt?" "Julie"
83. I am the third child in my family, so that makes me the favorite.
84. I love to go camping.
85. REI is one of my favorite stores. There is just so much cool stuff to look at.
86. I often have really weird random songs stuck in my head. We often burst into song at our house.
87. I am extremely competitive. Devin and I argue over who is more competitive.
88. I am married to my best friend. He makes me laugh, smile, and just feel happy every day. It just goes to show that good things come to those who wait.
89. We love quoting movies.
90. I like to scare my mom when she falls asleep at the computer by chatting her and typing BOO over and over again so her computer beeps at her.
91. I always wanted to be a teacher. My first grade teacher said I had teacher handwriting and it was all over from that point on. I would be a teacher.
92. I love spending time with my family. I love just sitting around and talking with them.
93. Devin and my first date was to the Orem Public Library to get books for my class and then we went and got Greek food. We have spent every day together since. Unless either one of us has been out of the State.
94. My husband is so competitive that he is currently trying to type more than 95 words per minute. I guess that isn't about me. But I am egging him on.
95. I like to call my little brother Bratman. We spent and still spend way too much time teasing each other.
96. I never feel like there is enough time in the day. But I just can't bring myself to wake up any earlier than I do.
97. I love water skiing. Lake Powell is one of my favorite places on earth.
98. I sometimes eat peanut butter right out of the jar. I like it that much. Don't worry I use a spoon.
99. I firmly believe that raisin are the number one way to wreck a cookie.
100. I am always excited to see what will happen tomorrow. Life is so full of possibilities.
There you go! I hope you enjoyed it.