And more of . . .
And a bit of . . .
Yet more of . . .
Devin's little sister, only sister, got married on Friday. We are so happy for her!!!! We went up to Idaho Falls on Tuesday afternoon to go to the temple with her for the first time. We drove back down that night and stayed with my brother in Logan. Then we drove the rest of the way back home so Devin could go to work on Wednesday. On Thursday night we drove up to Logan after work, stayed the night again, and then drove the rest of the way Friday morning to be at the temple for the wedding. The wedding was great, the whole day was great! The drive home was a bit longer because we drove out to Tooele to drop Devin's niece Sydney off. Our record so far for longest trip is 5 hours and 30 minutes. The record for shortest trip is 3 hours and 30 minutes. The exciting thing is that Devin has two brothers that are getting married, one in August and one in September. We'll see if we can beat the record. For now which couple do you think looks the happiest??????

The best part of the trip is always the moment when we cross the border into Idaho. Devin feels he needs to sing the Idaho State song each time to show is patriotism to his home state. You think with all of our trips to Idaho he'd know all the words by now. Maybe he'll get it down by the time Chris gets married in September. :)
Devin should get together with my friend Kelly to sing a duet. She is from idaho also and knows all the words to the idaho song. what is is with those potato people? ; )
See you guys thursday.
Once again-another moment to prove you married the perfect man for you!!! I don't even know your husband-but from all that I have seen and read on your blog-he is sooooooo perfect for you! Way to go!! OH-and I think you two were the couple so much more in love????
Wow, you don't know how to sing.
Not to say that Devin’s singing wasn't on center stage in that movie or anything, but I thought it was interesting, almost freaky, to see the Motorcyclist drive up next to your car while Devin was giving his great performance. I thought it was a cop for a second. Anyhoo, you should submit your video to the potato museum of Idaho. It would fit right in!
Look hard, it's there. :-)
We actually drove right next to the guy on the bike for a while. I'm glad he made it in the video because we spent quite a bit of Friday morning with him.
Maybe Devin could teach the Idaho State song to the scouts on Friday. The scouts can write there own words for the missing part.
We were in Idaho Falls and Iona for a portion of our Thursday. I guess we just missed you guys. We walked around the temple and went into the visitor's center.
We then went to Iona's cemetery and visited a grave. I love Iona.
You guys drove right through Preston and didn't come to see us. I think this means we can no longer be friends. Did you guys even know we live in Idaho? That was very impressive Devin.
Jared Rowland
P.S. We can still be friends.
I'm so glad I found your blog. Since I'm not your visiting teacher anymore I miss chatting with you! BTW...great lesson on sunday!
Hey! I found you! I took Tammy's advice and just googled you. Who knew? I for one did not know you could do that. So here we are. I miss our early morning chats before school. Oh yeah, school's out! and it is way busy. I like all the pictures in this post. Exciting to drive isn't it!
Oh, Missy looks so pretty! We always honked the horn and shouted when we went south and crossed into Utah! Depends on which side of the line you were born on I suppose.
Um I think the couple on the right looks the best, after all it is their wedding day!
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