This year that chance came again. I was asked to help out with Girl's Camp. Unfortunately I had a slight problem that I never had before, I'm pregnant. This means that I can't go and STAY up at camp, but I could go for the day. It was so much fun helping get things ready for camp. Then Tuesday morning they all left and I spent the rest of the week praying like crazy that everything would turn out ok.

We then helped Bishopric fix pizza for the girls for dinner. After dinner the girls broke open the pinata that they had received from another ward. They had so much fun. I love seeing the Young Women happy and smiling and laughing. You can't help but feel good when you are around them. They even gave me a fun camp award. I got the "Anxiously Expected" award for two reasons. (Yes, I am pushing my stomach out in the picture, my belly isn't THAT big!)

Then Bishop gave a great devotional on faith, hope, and charity. It was a great evening. My favorite part of the night was when we got back to camp and the girls shared their feelings about Christ. They have such amazing testimonies. I was so impressed at how they would take a simple scripture and then share what it meant to them and why. It was amazing!
I am so grateful that even though I didn't get to go to all of camp, that I still got to go up and be part of a little of it. Isn't it amazing that even though by the end of the week the girls are tired and dirty...they still shine!
I'm glad you had a great time. Apparently we are going to help out with Youth Conference this Friday. I can't say that my attitude is as good a yours.
BTW I tagged you a few days ago.
How fun! I loved girl's camp as a youth as well. I'm in Young Women's now in our ward here and I wish I would have been able to go to girl's camp! It is always such a fun and totally uplifting week - I'm glad you got to experience a little part of that again!
Look at that belly! I can't wait to see you guys in three weeks. It is going by fast, before you know it she will be here.
ummmm-how to you "stick out a belly"???? I really think you are that big-you are due in a couple of months! You look good!! Girls
Camp-oh the week of no sleep!!! I think I could pass on going to girls camp ever again! Too much for me!! Hehehehehe:)
I am glad you had so much fun at girls' camp! our stake goes up next week to camp mia shalom. fun. i am not involved though but it is so fun to hear about it when they get back.
see you thursday.
I remember girls' camp too. Love it! Not the sleeping on the ground bit but everything else. As a youth I loved getting close to me leaders, and as a leader, bonding with the girls. There is nothing like it. I can pass on the hikes today too. Too out of shape. Bishop Astle told me I would have been to camp if the stake had it's way. But he was defending me with baby, wedding, and missionary to deal with. You look CUTE Julie. Saw Brent at the school library today. Still reading!
You look so great Julie! Julia loves to check out her teachers blog, not many people get to do that. I am glad you had fun camping for a day.
BTW...consider yourself tagged!
Go to my blog and you will see.
I love seeing your belly!
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