Summertime is a great time to read books. Why is that? Why are there "Summer" reading programs and yet there are no "Winter" reading programs? Anyway... I just finished reading my last book in order to get my free T-shirt from the Provo library. I finally read The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale. It was a good book. I was hooked from the very beginning. I liked it a lot. There wasn't too much "goosh," meaning too many over the top romantic "gooshy" parts. There was one part that I felt was COMPLETELY inappropriate and I felt like writing Mrs. Hale a nasty letter asking her to explain why she needed to put
THAT into her book. Anyway, overall I liked the book a lot. But now what do I read??????? I have a stack of books in my room and for some reason none of them are catching my attention. So any suggestions??? I am looking for books that meet the following requirements:
1. Not too "gooshy." I don't know why I am not in the mood for any romancy fluffy books, but I'm not.
2. Clean. Stuff I would be ok having my mom read if you know what I mean.
3. Action. It has to have some good action in the book to keep my attention.
That's it. I'm not too picky. Any suggestions?
I still love Marley and Me. It is about the worst most loved dog ever. This book made me laugh until my sides hurt. Not much action though.
The Book Thief was well liked in my book club. They read it before I joined. Life of Pi was a good read. And if you haven't read the Twilight series - totally do. Her new one - The Host - is suppose to be really good. I'm planning on reading that on vacation in a couple of weeks.
Oh, from my blog is a link to "Corinne's Book Nook". She is an avid reader and has good reviews on what she's read. Check that out.
The Goose Girl is the first book in a three part series, you can read the other two books in the series. Braxton liked the third book in the series the best. I liked the Goose Girl the best in the series. The second book is Enna's Burning and the third book is The River's Secret (I think that's the title, something about rivers.)
I just finished Fablehaven today on the bus. I liked it.
I love Shannon Hale - she has more books after Goose Girl have you heard?
I have a good one for you. It is called Alliance by Gerald Lund. Yep, that Gerald Lund - but it is nothing like the other ones. Check it out. It makes you think and has lots of action and not so much gooshy stuff.
I just started reading this really great children's book last night called "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." Riveting. Have you ever heard of it? The author is great and I think he (or she, I suppose--the name is J.K. Rowling, so the initials could go either way) is really talented. I hope people start reading these books soon, they could be quite a hit!
(I really did get that book out last night!)
Did you know that City of Ember is being made into a movie? It comes out this fall. Let's go on a "date" to see it.
I am currently reading "Peter and the Starcatchers."
I think I liked "The Princess Academy" more than I liked Goose Girl if you're in the mood for Shannon Hale.
I would also highly recommend "These Is My Words" it has my favorite love story I have ever read--and I had my mom read it too! I have it if you want to borrow it--it really was fabulous. Remind me to get it for you when you come visiting teaching.
You HAVE TO read "The Book Theif." It's one of the best books I've read in a long time.
Another suggestion is "A Thousand Splendid Suns" It's by Khalid Hussein (sp?) the same author as "Kite Runner" but I liked it more.
Yeah, read Enna Burning and River Secret's. They're good. Also read other things done by her. There's Princess Academy, a prize nominee, Austenland and Book of a Thousand days. Also read Fablehaven 1, 2, Society of the Evening Star, and 3, Plague of Shadows. Also read Candy Shop Wars done by the same author. Other good books, Eragon and Eldest, and another one is coming in September. Also read Spiderwick and the second series that's coming out. Bridge to Terabithia, everyone should read that. And I've been typing too long.
I thought of a few more books. I agree with Becca, you should read Kite Runner and a Thousand Splendid Suns. Braxton is reading a real page turner called The Idiot's Guide to Writing a Novel. I'm reading a book right now by Cheryl Carson called Forgiveness, the Gift We Give Ourselves. Obviously a spiritual one. Braxton already mentioned Fablehaven. I also love the children's book The Phantom Tollbooth. If you haven't read that one, you should. I love reading, so I could go on, but that's enough for now.
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