My sister had a baby on Monday. Welcome Hyrum Benjamin Arnold! He was 9lbs 6oz and 20 inches long. He is really cute and really big. I wonder how big my baby is going to be????? I spent quite a bit of Wednesday at the hospital with my sister. It was a great time to ask all sorts of questions about the hospital and having babies. The more I find out about having a baby and kids, the more I realize I don't know. It is a good thing there are lots of helpful people out there. The best part was having a chance to hold my cute little nephew. He is so sweet. I can't wait until I have my own little baby to hold and rock to sleep. Only three months to go! I've included the following picture for everyone who keeps asking to see how "big" I am getting. It isn't the best picture of us, but it does show that I am definitely pregnant. 

Cuuute blog! Enjoy that baby while she's in your belly!!! :)
Leslie McCleery
does marie have all boys? anyway little hyrum is very cute. And you look very cute as well. I would love to see a profile shot to get the full pregnant effect!! You will be a great mom, it isn't easy- somedays you will want to pull your hair out, but it is definately worth it. And Heavenly Father is there to help you all along the way. you will do a great job. Wish we lived closer.- going to have to come and visit.
Hyrum is not that big-I have heard of much bigger babies-he is cute-congrats to Marie. I think you look good. Thanks for sharing the picture. Only three more months?? They are going to go by so fast!!! Get ready-get set-your life is about to change!!!! But it will change for the good. Kids are great-at times:)
Julie, you and Devin will be great parents! i am so excited for you!
How fun. It won't be long and Hyrum will have a little cousin to play with. They will be friends forever!
Cute! So glad Marie's baby is here. And BIG Wow! You look very cute, Julie. Not much time now, but it will seem forever, I sorry to say.
Tell Marie Congrats for us!!! You look amazing! 3 months is going to fly by.
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