Thursday, October 30, 2008

She's Here!

Say "Hello" to our sweet little Anna Beth Baldwin.   She arrived last night (October 29th) at 11:20pm.  She weighed 8lbs and 11oz.  She is 22 inches long and has a 37 centimeter head.   We ended up having to have a C-Section to get her here.  She is beautiful and happy.  I'm doing great.  Anna is doing great.  For more details check Devin's Blog for the play by play (  I'll post more info later. 

Sunday, October 26, 2008

An Empty Pot

Last night was our ward's annual chili cook off. Last year I won first place for my chili. I was all geared up to win again this year. Funny thing when I went to find the recipe, I couldn't find it. I tore my cook books apart tying to find it. I even spent way too much time searching the internet trying to find the same recipe that I used last year. Alas, I could not find it. But I found a similar recipe. I got brave and changed a bunch of stuff to make it as much like last years recipe as I possibly could. Well, I tied for 2nd place. Devin says it is only because everyone ate my chili so fast that there wasn't enough for everyone to try it. They scraped the bowl clean (as you can see in the picture). I think it turned out pretty good. I wish I could have had some more. Too bad we came home with an empty pot. Don't worry, I wrote down the recipe and it is safe in my cook book so next year I won't have to re-invent the wheel again.
Oh, a side note on the baby thing. We are going to be induced on Wednesday. They will call Tuesday to schedule the time. Nothing other than that. No contractions. I'm not uncomfortable at all. Things are good. Just think lots of happy thoughts Wednesday that things go well.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tag and No News

I normally am HORRIBLE about responding to tags on blogs. I am amazed at how fast some tags move around the blogging world. Well I was tagged to post my 6th picture from my 6th folder. Funny I went to i photo and my 6th folder only had 3 pictures. I went to my 7th, only two pictures. My 8th folder had more than 6 so here it is. This picture was taken last December after the Nutcracker 5k and our first really good snow fall of the year. Sniff, Sniff, I miss running!
As far as baby news goes....we have nothing to report. Well, I am dilated to 1 centimeter and I am 75% effaced. I go in on Friday for an ultrasound to make sure fluid levels are ok. Then I will be induced on October 29th, which is next Wednesday exactly 1 week past my due date. We have laughed that I must be in "too good" of shape because walking up and down stairs and taking long walks hasn't done anything to get the ball rolling. I guess that is what you get for going to the gym almost every day of your pregnancy. I did suggest that we hike the "Y" since I've never done that before and that might get things going. Devin said, "NO WAY!" Keep praying that she'll come. It seems like everyone I know is having their baby before me. I guess she just wants to spend some extra time in heaven before she has to come and face this nasty world. I can't blame her.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

What Are You Going to Be?

One of my favorite children's songs is called "What are you going to be on Halloween night?" Halloween is a very important holiday. I usually start talking Halloween costumes. . . by June at the latest, if not all year long. (This drives my sister bananas he, he, he.) This week I almost finished Anna's Halloween costume. This is what it looks like so far. Can you guess what she is going to be???? I have a confession to make, Devin and I actually decided that this should be our first child's costume when we were on our honeymoon. I remember talking about how cute it would be to have a little "candy corn" for Halloween. So I guess that means we started talking Halloween costumes in January that year. I do think it is turning out really cute. I am leaving a few things undone so I can adjust them when I know how big she is. Hopefully she'll make her debut this week.

We are now taking guesses. When will Anna show up? She is due the 22nd. They are planning to induce me on the 29th if she hasn't come on her own by then. Make your guess for the day she will be born, how much she will weigh and all that other stuff. The nice thing is that even if I have to wait until the 29th she'll still be able to wear her costume.

Friday, October 17, 2008


Hi everybody.

I have a very important announcement:  Today is Julie's birthday!

Sorry for those who think that Anna has come.  She's still safe in the womb. We will post that announcement and pictures right here on this blog, so stay posted.

Happy birthday, Julie!  I love you!


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Three Random Things

I use to have just bucket loads of things that I thought I could blog about. I would look forward to Sunday afteroons when I would sit down and pick the most exciting things from our week to share. Perhaps because I am 10 days away from our babies due date my mind is completely focused on one thing and I can't really think about much else. We are keeping busy and life is good. My brain just hasn't been able to think of much to blog about lately. So here are three random things.

Saturday afternoon and evening we had some good Baldwin family time. Because most of Devin's family lives in Idaho we don't see them very often. Friday night we found out that his parents and sister were going to be in town over the weekend. We usually get together with Devin's brother Gene and his two kid on the 2nd Sunday of the month. We decided to move our Sunday activities to Saturday night so we would get a chance to hang out with everyone. It was lots of fun. We even had a quick party to celebrate Cole's 1st birthday (a week early).

This is the icky snow that was outside my house this morning. Did someone forget to tell the "snow making man" that it is only the 12th of October! Even though I was a little ticked off by the snow covering up all my beautiful Fall colors, I still was surprised how Christmas songs filled my head today. It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. It can't though. I still haven't finished Halloween costumes yet!

Here is the picture many people have been wanting to see. This is a great shot after a good long Sunday nap and a very busy weekend. It is crazy to think that we are due on the 22nd of October. I am amazed at how fast the last 9 months have gone by. Life is about to change forever...for the best thing in the world. I keep telling my little baby that there is so much more room outside and that we will have so much fun together. But I guess she is pretty happy where she is at right now.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Check another thing off the list! I finished the bumper pad for the crib today. It didn't turn out half bad. On to the next project. I've started quite a few projects, now I just need to finish them. Having the bumper pad done makes the crib look so much more complete and ready for our little Anna. Not that she is going to be rolling around for a while. But at least it is cute. Who knows maybe I'll have something else done tomorrow. It is crunch time. Unfortunately I am one of those people who try to get things done in advance, but always end up cramming at the end. I am really good at making lists, planning, and prioritizing when there is a lot to do and not a lot of time. So here's to the baby to do list. On your mark, get set go!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Blanket Is Done!

I am happy to announce that I finished Anna’s blanket today. A while ago I decided that with each of my kids I wanted them to have a cute stuffed animal and their own special blanket. We bought the cute purple bunny quiet a while ago. Then I had the great ah-ha that I wanted to make a blanket to match the bunny. I found a pattern for a blanket that I really liked. I went to countless fabric stores looking for cute material that would match the bunny. Once I had the material, with the help of Emily my very talented creative sister-in-law, we came up with the color pattern for the blanket. Now after many hours of sewing, TA-DA! I think it turned out really cute. Now the bunny has a blanket and all the bunny and the blanket need is a baby. Now we are on to the next project. Let’s see how many “Anna” projects I can finish in the next 2 ½ weeks. Wish me luck!