Friday, February 25, 2011


Nicholas has awesome hair.  He was know in the hospital as "the one with the hair."  I think it would be safe to say that he is also known as "the kid with the hair" in our ward.
Well, truth be told, the "hair" has been driving me nuts lately.  We have decided that he has become a mix of MacGyver, Luke Skywalker and an old man with one wicked comb over.  Today I bit the bullet.  Good bye...

And hello...

He was so good!  I just held him and hacked away with the clippers.  As long as the clippers were humming away he was perfectly happy.
It is nice to have his hair so even all around.  I gave him a bath after so all the little hairs would be gone and wouldn't be itchy.  It was WONDERFUL to just dry him off and tada! his hair was done.  The last few weeks I would spend way too much time trying to figure out how to comb his hair so it wouldn't look funny...and then it would dry and look funny no matter what I did.  We no longer have that problem.  Nicholas is one clean cut kid.  I wonder how many hair cuts I'll give him before he is a year old?

Friday, February 4, 2011

I Whip My Hair

Anna has discovered the joy of whipping her hair back and forth.
A few days ago we showed her the I Whip My Hair video.
Watch out Willow Smith, Anna is pretty good at whipping her hair.
Enough go whip your hair.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mobile Moments January 2011

Sometimes I feel like I am not doing a very good job of recording my kid's lives. I try and take pictures, I write in my journal, but still I feel like I am missing a lot. We do a lot of fun things every day. I wish that I could have a camera on my kids all day long so I wouldn't miss anything. I wish that I had my camera in my pocket so I could take good pictures of all the funny things. Devin has his blog, which has so many great pictures of our kids. I was thinking about this and realized that I do take pictures on my phone all the time and send them to Devin so he can see some of the silly little things that we are up to. I thought that it would be fun to once a month download this pictures and share them.
So....Here are January's mobile moments. Enjoy several random pictures taken with my phone!

Anna is a bookworm. She loves to snuggle up with a good book to read.
You know lunch is really good when you lick the plate clean.
Nicholas is just cute!
Sadie + Crayons = One super fun time!
Anna hasn't figured out that the Bumbo is for Nicholas and not for her. At this point he doesn't mind.
In the course of cleaning all my junk out of my mom's house I braces and all the teeth that I have had pulled (excluding my wisdom teeth). SICK!!!
One of Anna's favorite games is Mary and Joseph. You can never get enough of the Nativity right?
Karate Kid watch out!! Anna is learning some pretty awesome moves!
Grandma is the queen of cookie making. Anna loves helping roll the dough in the sugar...and she loves eating bites too.
Aunt Leslie gave Anna these blocks and she loves making a birthday cake with all the little yellow blocks as candles. She sings Happy Birthday all the time.
Nicholas is really learning to smile. He is such a happy boy.

Anna loves to sit in the Bumbo when I fix her hair. There is more than one way to sit in the Bumbo.
When I was sweeping and mopping the kitchen I wanted to keep Anna occupied and off the floor. She loved rocking away while watching Thomas the Tank Engine.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The House That Jack Built

Anna's favorite story lately is This is the House That Jack Built.  She pretty much has it memorized as you can see. 

I'm not sure why she is talking funny.
I'm not sure what happened to her hair (Can you tell she's been playing all day?)

Even though she is talking with a funny voice and her hair is a mess, she is still pretty stinkin' cute.